1937年福岡県生れ。福岡教育大学卒。少年時より自由詩、短歌、俳句を並行実作。祝詞、神楽歌、謡曲、狂言、浄瑠璃、そのほか古体詩全般の試作に及ぶ。詩集23冊、句集7冊、歌集6冊、古体詩集1冊のほか、小説、舞台台本、評論、随筆など著書多数。米、英、アイルランド、デンマークより訳詩集6冊刊行。国内外での自作詩朗読にも積極的に参加。近く、日本文化史論『遊ぶ日本――神あそぶゆえ人あそぶ』刊行予定。大阪芸術大学文芸学科客員教授。He was born in 1937 in Fukuoka. Graduated Fukuoka University of Education. He has been writing free verses, tanka, haiku since boyhood. His work has been extended to experimental study of over-all Japanese classical poetry, such as Shinto prayers, gagaku(ancient court music and dance), kyougen (Noh farce), jyoururi (dramatic narratives chanted to shamisen). There are 23 volumes of poetry collection, 7 volumes of haiku collection, 6 volumes of tanka collection, 1 volume of classic poetry collection have been published in addition to novel, play scripts, critics and essays. 6 books of poetry collection has been translated and published in U.S.A., UK, Ireland, and Denmark. He is actively engaged in public reading of his own poetry. His recent work on Japanese cultural history “Japan at Play: people idle because God idles” will be published soon. He is a visiting professor ofDepartment of Liberal Arts, Osaka University of Arts.